Shirokane CPA Firm

Seal Impressions of a Company

Even if you used your signature on your business in Japan, company’s seal impressions are needed in formal cases. There are generally 3 types of company’s seal impressions in Japan. I here explain them as follows. 3 Types Registered Seal Impression Seal Impression for Bank Squared Seal Impression A Registered Seal Impression This must be prepared, because this is used to identify your company in formal case. This is usually rounded and this has two words, one is your company name engraved around, and the other word is Representative engraved in the center of the seal impression. This is used for contracts. A Seal Impression for a Bank When you[…]

Shirokane CPA Firm

Inkan, a Seal Impression in Japan

Globally, you use your signature to identify yourself on documents. In Japan, there are used seal impressions, called as “Hanko”, “Inkan” or “Jitsuin”, in order to identify yourself formally. Especially, the registered seal impression called as “Jitsuin” is formally identify you by the registration system by municipal offices in Japan. I here write about the rule for you to make your registered seal impression in Japan. Your Name on the Seal Impression The seal impression has to be made by your family name and first name, just by your family name, or just by your first name. That could not include your carrier, position, company, license, brand, and anything other[…]

Shirokane CPA Firm

Consumption Tax Should be included?

If you are a blue filing taxpayer in Japan, you could deduct your payment to purchase an asset upto JPY 300,000. Now should you include sales tax called as a consumption tax in Japan, to the amount to determine the JPY 300,000 criterion. Or, when you are not a blue filing taxpayer, it is JPY 200,000 to judge deduction or depreciation. 1. First, You decide the accounting method on dealing with a consumption tax. There are two methods, one is to account all prices with a consumption tax included, and the other method is to account all prices without a consumption tax. Most self-employer business persons use the accounting method[…]